
Recetario para la Memoria (Recipe Book for Memory)

Zahara Gómez Lucini, Clarisa Moura, Tai La Bella Damsky
Publication Year
The Americas
Thematic Area
Families / The Search Process
Advocacy / Family Needs / Memorialization

Food can be a way to recognize ourselves, to identify ourselves. Maybe, through this Memory Recipe Book we could also get closer to each other. In northern Mexico we can find Sinaloa, north of Sinaloa is Ahome, and north of Ahome lies Los Mochis. Something happens there, a scene that can take place in any other town of Mexico: A family takes a seat at the table to eat. It’s not a matter of hunger, nor the act itself that gets them reunited over and over again. It's time to eat, could be breakfast or dinner, maybe grab a snack or lunch. They get together because IT IS time to eat. Time to be. Time to own the space.

“May the kitchen be an excuse to talk about the unspeakable, to make present those who were taken away, to weave actions against absence.”

- Zahara Gómez Lucini