Communication/Awareness Raising

Do not let my story end here

ACT for the Disappeared
Publication Year
Near and Middle East
Thematic Area
Families / The Search Process
Memorialization / Reconciliation / Right to Know/Truth
Open access

Thousands of people disappeared during the Lebanese war. Children, women and men taken from their relatives and were never to be heard from again. This tragedy, which is still affecting thousands of families, is at the core of our society’s failure to come to terms with its traumatic past. In 2015, ACT for the Disappeared launched Fushat ‘Amal (space for hope), an initiative that aims to reclaim the identities of the missing persons and reaffirm the right to know their fates and whereabouts. On the occasion of April 13, ACT for the Disappeared decided to publish some of these stories to remind us that for many people the war continues to feel as if it never ended.