Legal Document

Forensic anthropology in disaster victim identification: best practice recommendations for the medicolegal authority

Recommendation 010, 1st edition
AAFS Standards Board, Approved American National Standard
Publication Year
Thematic Area
Law & Policies / Forensics
Management of the Dead / Identification
Open access

The descriptions herein provide guidelines and best practices relevant to the role of forensic anthropology in a DVI operation. Anthropological methods, techniques and principles are typically employed in five primary capacities: 1) during the Preparedness phase of a DVI operation, 2) the Search and Recovery and preservation of remains from a mass fatality incident, 3) at the Triage Station during the initial sorting of material gathered from the field and determination of what human tissue enters the morgue, 4) at the Anthropology Station collecting quality postmortem data from each morgue sample, and 5) as a member of the ID Reconciliation Team, focused on ensuring valid and reliable positive identifications from human tissues. Focus of this document will be primarily on the Triage station and the Anthropology Station. In the absence of specific guidelines, the principle, spirit, and intent of these guidelines should be met.