
“The Country that Doesn’t Want to Heal Itself”: The Burden of History, Affect and Women’s Memories in Post-Dictatorial Argentina

Jill Stockwell
Publication Year
Thematic Area
Transitional Justice / Reconciliation / Mental Health / Memorialization / Gender / Family Needs
Open access

The author draws on first-hand oral testimonies taken from two groups of Argentine women who represent two antithetical versions of the recent Argentinine past: those affected by military repression and those affected by armed guerrilla violence. She contends that we need to look beyond political and ideological contestations and engage in a deeper analysis of how memorial cultures are formed and sustained. She argues that we cannot account for the politics of memory in modern-day Argentina without acknowledging and exploring the role played by individual emotions and affects in generating and shaping collective emotions and affects. In direct contrast to the nominally objective and universalist sensibility that traditionally has driven transitional justice endeavours, I look at how affective memories of trauma are a potentially disruptive power within the reconciliation paradigm, and thus need to be taken into account.