Guidance document

Applying the psychosocial minimum standards on enforced disappearances: A collection of practical recommendations. 1st edition.

Asian Federation Against Involuntary Disappearances (AFAD)
Publication Year
Asia and the Pacific
Thematic Area
The Search Process / Families
Right to Know/Truth / Psychosocial Support / Memorialization / Family Needs / Enforced Disappearance
Open access

AFAD held workshops in Indonesia and Timor in June 2016 in an effort to popularize the Minimum Standards and to synthesize them with the reunification work that is being done in both countries. The workshops gathered families’ and victims’ organizations, human rights organizations and even the Indonesian national human rights institution, understanding the need to expand the application of the minimum standards to the search of disappeared persons who are still alive. This document is an attempt to contribute to the holistic empowerment of relatives of the disappeared who are themselves victims of enforced disappearances with which AFAD has been engaged in the
past eighteen years of its existence.