GIS Database

The multimedia platform Nicaragua: mapping violence in the context of protests (April 18-May 30, 2018)

Groupo Interdisciplinario de Expertos Independientes Nicaragua (GIEI Nicaragua), SITU, Equipo Argentino de Antropología Forense
The Americas
Thematic Area
Forensics / Technology & Data
Advocacy / Information Management (Archive/Database/Register)
Open access

This multimedia platform, created through the joint work of the Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts (GIEI) for Nicaragua, SITU Research, and the Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team (EAAF), presents documentation and analysis of 4 GIEI-selected episodes of violence that took place in Nicaragua between April 18th and May 30th 2018. Functioning as both an archive and analytical tool, the platform mobilizes large volumes of user generated videos to improve our understanding of these complex events.