
A First Exchange Under the Global Alliance for the Missing Between the Missing Persons Mechanisms of Colombia and Bougainville (Papua New Guinea)

Families / The Search Process
Right to Know/Truth

On 12 September 2024, the Colombian Search Unit for Missing Persons (UBPD) conducted a virtual exchange with the Office of Missing Persons in Bougainville (OMPB).

This exchange, facilitated by the ICRC, illustrates how the Global Alliance for the Missing, of which Colombia is a member, can support responses to missing persons caseloads through the sharing of experience with contexts where there is a political will to act. This exchange is part of a long-term strategy adopted by the Bougainville Executive Council to reconcile the fates and whereabouts of those who went missing during the Bougainville conflict, which took place from 1988 to 1998 and saw approximately 2,000 individuals go missing.

The exchange provided a comprehensive overview of each organization’s context, objectives, and operational frameworks. It enabled the OMPB, which is in the early stages of operation, to learn from the UBPD’s experiences, successes, and challenges since it began its work in 2018. The UBPD’s extensive experience in raising awareness of disappearances and engaging with the international community is particularly valuable to the OMPB as it establishes itself.

“We are truly appreciative of the opportunity to learn from the wealth of experience shared by the UBPD in this session. They are handling a huge number of missing persons cases. We hope that in Bougainville we can reach the level Colombia has achieved. We also hope to help families find belisi (peace),” said Secretary Stephanie Elijah, speaking on behalf of the OMPB.

To learn more about the Bougainville Conflict, watch here.

24 Sep 2024
Papua New Guinea,
Asia and the Pacific