
Disappearances in transnational Latin America: the case of Mexico

Barbara Frey, Karina Ansolabehere
Publication Year
The Americas
Thematic Area
Forensics / The Search Process
Advocacy / Enforced Disappearance / Family Needs / Right to Know/Truth
Open access

This panel discussion featuring Dr. Barbara Frey of the Human Rights Program at the University of Minnesota and Dr. Karina Ansolabehere of the National Autonomous University of Mexico discusses an ongoing research-practice collaborative to systematically investigate, analyze, and combat patterns of impunity regarding enforced disappearances in Mexico. By applying academic methods to examine available sources of information, the aim of their work is to decrease disappearances and impunity by increasing knowledge and public visibility about the patterns of disappearances. Through the development of objective and systematic databases of the disappeared, the study provides a look into Mexican press reporting about named disappeared persons: who they are, where they disappeared, who carried out the crime, and the outcomes of each case.