Legal Document

Department of Defense Instruction No. 1300.18, 2000 - United States

Publication Year
Thematic Area
Technology & Data / Law & Policies / Families
Prevention / Information Management (Archive/Database/Register) / Combatant
Open access

This instruction assigns responsibilities and establishes uniform personnel policies and procedures for notifying and assisting the next of kin whenever casualties are sustained by active duty military personnel; prescribes uniform reporting requirements designed to provide responsible officials in the Office of the Secretary of Defense with a central source of data for use in formulating and evaluating military causalities; establishes a Military Services Policy Board responsible for developing and recommending broad policy guidance and for proposing goals for the Military Services to ensure uniform policy regarding the care of military members and their families and to ensure accurate reporting and accounting for the status of military personnel regarding mission accomplishment; establishes uniform official casualty terms and definitions for the classification of casualties.