
Data collection procedures for forensic skeletal material 2.0

Natalie R. Langlaey, Lee Meadows Jantz, Stephen D. Ousley, Richard L. Jantz, George Milner
Publication Year
Thematic Area
Identification / Recovery of remains / Excavation / Exhumation
Open access

The Data Collection Procedures (DCP) manual has served the forensic anthropology community since its inception in 1986. A grant from the National Institute of Justice (85-IJ-CX-0021) provided the funds to begin the work, resulting in the first edition of the DCP. The DCP established a means to amass a centralized data base of skeletal data on modern humans (the Forensic Data Bank, or FDB). These data provided the basis for deriving standards to determine age, sex, ancestry, and stature of unknown remains. The amendments contained in the DCP 2.0 are listed at the beginning of this manual. They include changes to the measurements, references, and age estimation section. The age estimation materials were provided by George Milner and are designed to correspond to the Transition Analysis method incorporated in the next iteration of the Fordisc software program. Line drawings have been simplified and streamlined, and obvious measurements have been removed from figures.