
Executive master in international law in armed conflict

Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights -Geneva
Law & Policies
Criminal Justice , Human Rights , Law – International , Transitional Justice
Cost type

This executive programme – which can be followed in Geneva or online – runs for nine months (September–June) and admits 15 to 25 practitioners annually. After the end of the courses in June, participants have a year to submit a master’s paper. Courses take place from Wednesdays to Fridays at lunchtime (12:00 –14:00 CET) at our headquarters, Villa Moynier and online. They cover international law, international humanitarian law international human rights law, international criminal law and the interplay between them. They also address current issues and challenges, including the repression of terrorism, peacekeeping and international refugee law. Taught by Geneva-based law professors and world-renowned law experts and professors, the programme enables participants to gain specialized knowledge directly applicable to professional work. It also responds to the growing need for specialists to address complex situations – in Afghanistan, Colombia, Iraq, Syria and elsewhere – and challenging processes such as criminal proceedings, international negotiations and humanitarian interventions. Diplomats, lawyers, legal advisers, judges, NGO staff, human rights advocates, media specialists, professionals working in emergency situations, UN staff and staff from other international organizations share expertise, discuss pressing concerns and reflect on the application of international law to their work.


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