Doctor of philosophy in anthropology

Binghamton University
Forensics / Law & Policies
Identification , Management of the Dead , Recovery of remains / Excavation / Exhumation
Cost type

The Doctor of Philosophy in Anthropology is awarded to students who have shown mastery of the general materials of anthropology and a substantial command of the specialized subject matter of one or more of the four subfields (Archaeology, Biological Anthropology, Linguistic Anthropology, or Sociocultural Anthropology) and who have successfully carried out and formally presented research judged to constitute an original contribution to the discipline. Funding is limited, and all students who apply by the Fall deadline (January 15) are automatically considered for funding as a Teaching or Research Assistant. Funding covers tuition for the required graduate credits plus a stipend. Students who are eligible for the Clark Fellowship should submit this application at the same time. We highly recommend that students contact faculty members they are most interested in working with before applying. Applicants are not required to have an MA or MS before admission, though some faculty prefer to admit students with an MA or MS. Students who enter with an MA or MS are required to demonstrate that they have fulfilled our MA requirements, either in their previous institution or here, before they can advance to candidacy.


Long-term learning opportunities

Learn about education opportunities within the missing persons community.